Follow the 3 steps below to perform a receiver test on a Pre-2016 SuperSting™ R1 (Serial Number Begins with SP)
Note: If you have a SuperSting™ Wifi and you want to perform a receiver test, you can find instructions in this Help Desk article.
You will need:

- A SuperSting™ Test Box (pictured above)
- Your SuperSting™ R1 with a serial number beginning with SP (built prior to 2016)
- An isolated external battery and battery cable
- Yellow 2 meter extension cable.
- Connect the Test Box to the SuperSting™ faceplate using the 2-meter extension cable.
- Power the SuperSting™ using an external battery. Go to menu 6/1 to change your measurement settings. Change the maximum current to 10mA for the Test Box. All other settings can stay as the defaults.
- Exit back to the main menu and choose menu 2: Manual Mode. Choose option 1: Resistance. Create a new data file (it does not matter whether meter or feet is selected as the unit of distance). Once the file is created, press MEA to take a manual mode measurement on the Test Box. The current output should be around 6.7mA. The voltage measured will be close to 3.3mV, and the resistance should be close to 500mΩ. The error percentage should be below 5.0%. Press MEA a few times to take several measurements and verify that the results are consistent and close to 500mΩ (+-5%). The acceptable range is 475 to 525 mohm. If not, try an alternate 2m extension cable and run again.
Trouble Shooting:
- Make sure no other cables are plugged in. This includes removing all manual wires, SwitchBox jumper cables, PC Com, Firmware Update Cable, etc).
- The Main Battery cable connector may be damaged or contaminated. This happens most often from improper usage when the back shell clamped to the wire is twisted instead of the lock ring. See this article to learn more about proper connection and disconnection.
- The 20A and/or 2.5A fuse is loose or contaminated. Check if these fuses are connecting firmly in the holder. Do not swap fuse with non-AGI specification fuses. See more details HERE
Note: Check all barrel connections to make sure they are 100% fully rotated. Do not turn the strain relief or back portion of the connectors. Only turn the smaller round ring that locks the connectors. See this article If they do not turn easily, lift and slightly turn the ring and then try to insert and close them again. They can become locked if pushed on with the ring in certain positions. If the ring is hard to turn when completely disconnected, they need to be ultrasonically cleaned or replaced. Please contact AGI ( for instructions or to arrange a cleaning.
If the Receiver Test is OK, you should proceed to do a Relay Test as well if you are using Dual-Mode or a SwitchBox systems.