This article describes each of the three fuses and what tell-tale signs they create if blown.
The SuperSting™ has 3 fuses: the 20 Amp/32 Volt fuse, the 2.5 Amp/250 Volt fuse, and the 1 Amp/250 Volt fuse. Depending on the generation SuperSting™, one or more fuses may be located inside the SuperSting™. In the latest generation SuperSting™ Wifi (>= the manufacture year 2013) all three fuses are located on the SuperSting™ face-plate:

a. 20 Amp/32 Volt fuse:
This fuse protects the SuperSting™ from drawing more than 20 Amps from its 12 Volt power source. If blown the SuperSting™ instrument will appear to be powered OFF at all times.
b. 2.5 Amp/250 Volt fuse:
If blown the SuperSting's RED Main light will be ON but the LCD screen will appear blank and the ON/OFF switch will not function.
c. 1 Amp/250 Volt fuse:
This fuse powers the switching electronics in the SwitchBox and the Dual-Mode electrode cables. If blown, Automatic mode surveys will result in all HVOVL. If blown, the relay test will also fail on all relays. However, the Receiver Test using the TestBox (or Adapter Box) will still continue to function.