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How do I make a Command File (.cmd) with AGI SuperSting Administrator?

Watch the video or follow the steps below to learn how to create a command file.

To learn how to create a command file with EarthImager 2D and 3D, read this article.


  1. Open AGI SuperSting Administrator and select the 'SS Command Creator' button in the top right corner. It is the button on the right that looks like a blue & pink downward arrow.
  2. In the menu at the bottom of the screen, in the section labeled 'Number of Elecs', enter the number of electrodes
  3. In the section labeled 'Array type', choose an Array type from the list. Or if you want to load in a previously made Command File, select 'Load cmd file' then select the 'Load + Simulate' button.
  4. In the section labeled 'Electrode spacing units', input your electrode spacing.
    1. Tip for Schlumberger Array: Setting the Max AB/MN relationship to less than or equal to 11 will give you a strong signal in most cases.
    2. Tip for Wenner Array: All possible Wenner spacings are measured.
    3. Tip for Dipole-Dipole Array: Max (n) is the distance to separate the transmitter and receiver. In most cases, 8 will send a strong enough signal. Max (a) or Max Dipole setting depends on the number of electrodes:
      1. For 28 electrodes, set to 3 to get all data & max exploration depth
      2. For 56 electrodes, set to 6 to get all data & max exploration depth
      3. OR simply set a large number (like 99) to assure full data and exploration depth
      4. SuperSting Administrator Version v1.6.1.242 has a seldom needed feature where you can limit the near surface data by setting a minimum a-spacing.  This should only be  done when you fill in this gap with another command file or data set in post processing.  Most applications should have the minimum a-spacing set to 1 and the max as described above.
    4. Tip for Pole-Dipole Array: Reminder: When setting up your survey, make sure to set the remote electrode at "infinity" approximately in line with the electrode line. Setting your Max sep. to 20 will send a strong enough signal in most cases. Setting your Max (a) or Max Dipole depends on the number of electrodes:
      1. For 28 electrodes, set to 2 to get all data & max exploration depth
      2. For 56 electrodes, set to 3 to get all data & max exploration depth
      3. OR simply set a large number (like 99) to assure full data and exploration depth
    5. Tip for Pole-Pole Array: Reminder: When setting up your survey, make sure to set the remote electrode at "infinity" approximately in line with the electrode line. Set your Max sep. to the number of electrodes you're using, minus one. (Example: If you're using 28 electrodes, set your Max sep. to 27)
    6. Tip for Schlumberger Inverse: Setting the Max AB/MN relationship to less than or equal to 11 will give you a strong signal in most cases.
  5. (This step is only if you have a SuperSting™ R1) In the section above Electrode spacing, check the box for SuperSting R1/IP.
  6. In the section labeled 'Simulate', select the 'Simulate' button. Next, check the box labeled 'SingleStep', and then select the blue 'Single Step' button. Note: A & B are the Current Electrodes and P# are the Potential Electrodes.
  7. After the simulation is complete, the 'Time estimate' section will update. Please note that these are only approximate survey completion times based on the last settings that were input into SS Command Creator. These settings must be made in the SuperSting™ Menu 6-1 prior to starting your survey. If you want to do IP, check the box in order to estimate the measure time.
  8. You may choose to select a few additional options if you like. You can find these on the left side of the Command file settings menu:
    1. Extended Data Coverage: This adds many more unique measurements and improves on the classic approach of no overlapping data on the Pseudo-section by collecting data on all available instrument channels. This, of course, more completely scans the ground for a better image, but this also takes a lot more time in order to achieve a marginal gain in resolution.  Consider the time displayed in the Time Estimate box with and without this option!  Time estimate instruments settings are for planning only.  All field instrument settings are set on the SuperSting itself.
    2. Include Reverse Array: This will add the reciprocal (transposing the Tx and Rx dipoles in the Dipole-Dipole array) dataset. This is useful in troubleshooting the electrode cables for errors as well as understanding field noise. Please note that this will double your survey time.
    3. Create Reverse Array: This will change the direction that the SuperSting™ will collect data. If unchecked (normal mode), the SuperSting™ will collect data starting at electrode 1 moving towards 56 (i.e.; 1B, 2A, 3M, 4N). When 'Create Reverse Array' is checked, the opposite will happen. The survey will start at electrode 28 and work its way to electrode 1 (i.e. 25N, 26M, 27A, 28B).
  9. Finally, enter the name of the file in the section labeled 'Prog ID'. The name can be a maximum of 8 characters. Select 'Save Cmd File' to save the file.
  10. NOTE:  There is a Simulation and Time Estimate function which has various instruments settings which are NOT saved in the command file.  These values are for project planning only so that you can estimate how long the instrument will run.  All field instrument settings are set on the SuperSting itself to minimize the numbers of command files needed.