The USB key dongle looks likes one of the 3 examples below. It is important to keep this secure as it contains the licenses stored on it. If lost, you need to purchase a replacement license and dongle.

In details: an encrypted license is stored on the dongle which serves to protect each license. We cannot delete or replace the license remotely because it is not checking into a network for the license. EarthImager is used in remote areas, so it needs to have a stand-alone license dongle. USB dongle based licenses are a common practice for scientific/engineering software because the number of licenses sold vs the amount of development work requires it. For AGI EarthImager, we can offer a discount to help with a lost or stolen dongle. If a key is damaged and returned, AGI can replace it for the hardware cost and transfer the license. To avoid loss, you can fix a lanyard to the dongle and your field laptop or attach a large keychain with description.