Follow the 5 steps below to complete a test for your StingR1 or MiniSting™ R1.
Use the test resistor (pictured below) to check proper functioning and field calibration of the StingR1 MiniSting™ R1 ABMN Posts. A newer design not pictured uses a smaller black rectangular center section.
- Connect the red and black leads coming out from one side(left or right) of the test resistor to the corresponding colors on the current terminals labeled A (red) and B (black). These are also called C1 and C2.
- Connect the remaining red and black leads coming out from the other side of the test resistor to the corresponding colors on the potential terminals labeled M(red) and N(Black). These are also called P1 and P2.
- Turn on the MiniSting and make sure it is running on 12V or more. You will see menus similar to the pictures below. Push the MEN key

- Press the 1 key for Menu 1 (M1: Survey Data).
- Press F1 for Array Type. Then press the '+' or '-' key to select RESISTANCE. Then press the MEN key to get back to Menu 1.
- Now press F2 for 'Array Dimensions.' You should see 'X = x.xx'. Make sure this is set to 0.00 (you only need to press the ‘0’ key). Press F3 to enter the 0 as X. Then you will see 'Y = x.xx'. Make sure this is also 0.00, then press F3 to enter the value. A few seconds after you press F3, the screen should go back to Menu 1. If not, press MEN to exit.
- Now press F3 to Set Max Current. Set this value to 10mA using the '+' or '-' keys. Then press the MEN key to get back to Menu 1.
- Press the MEN key to return to the main menu. Next, press the 2 key on the keypad to go to menu 2.
- On menu 2, press F1 and use the + or - key to select the number of cycles to be stacked (this should be 2 in this test and we recommend 2 cycles for most field measurements). Press MEN to confirm and get back to menu 2.
- Press F2 and use the + or - key to select 2% threshold for the error tolerance (2% is a recommended value for most field surveys as well). Press MEN to confirm and get back to menu 2.
- Press F2 to select 3.6 seconds for the measurement time (this is recommended for the majority of conditions). Press MEN to confirm and return to menu 2.
- Press MEA to start the test measurement. Several numbers will appear onscreen after a few seconds. Make sure the ‘I=’ is showing 10 mA, and that ‘R=’ is showing a number very close to the number printed on the Test Resistor. Variations of temperature at your field sites may increase the variance to +/- 5% from this room temperature value. Contact us at in case the value deviates significantly.
- If this test is good, then press MEN to go back to Menu 1 and change the max current (F3) to the full value 500mA. Make sure you do not leave the 10 mA setting in place when finished or field operators may collect data with very low transmitter power which can lower data quality.